Greetings, residents and Foresters of the Barony of Castel Rouge!
It is Baronial Census time. A form has been set up in Google Groups to collect the needed information. Please use this link to fill out the form.
By filling in the survey you are declaring that you wish to be considered an active member of the Barony. The resulting list will be used to determine who may vote on Baronial matters. This also applies to our Foresters.
Although anyone may participate in Baronial activities, you must have met the criteria listed on pages 1-2 of the Baronial Bylaws , to be considered an active, voting member.
NOTE: the questions regarding paid SCA membership are very important, as the SCA, Inc. only counts paid memberships when determining group status. Baronial members whose mailing address (postal code) is outside the Barony’s territory of Manitoba, Canada are not included in the Corporate head count.
If you’d rather not use the link, you may send the same information to
I would appreciate a timely response, but will accept entries until May 1st