This is a quick reference list of places to go to help get you started in various aspects of the SCA.  If you notice any dead links, please notify the Webminister


Please note, these are links to websites outside of our direct control and we make no warranty as to the safety and soundness of using them. They are provided as a convenience only.

For more links to useful resources, please see our Resources page.


Introduction to the SCA and Our Kingdom


SCA Website
The Main site for The Society For Creative Anachronism
SCA Newcomer’s Portal an interactive website that introduces what the SCA is all about
Newcomer’s Guide to the SCA a comprehensive PDF detailing many aspects of the SCA.

Kingdom of Northshield Website
Our regional group, consisting of Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Dakotas, the upper peninsula of Michigan, Manitoba, and western Ontario.
Good Grief, What do they mean by that? A guide to terms commonly used in the SCA.
Courtly Etiquette How to Identify Who’s Who in Northshield, and how to address them.

Barony of Castel Rouge Facebook Page
Our own Facebook page. Feel free to join in and ask questions.
The Coat of Arms for the Barony of Castel RougeBarony of Castel Rouge Google Group Castel Rouge’s own Google Groups.  Note: you must have a Google Account to view.


SCA Name and Persona Reseach

Choosing a Name in the Society Some helpful hints for picking a historical name.
Creating a Device Some information to get you started in making your own unique Coat of Arms. If you have questions, please contact the Baronial Herald.


Garb Making Ideas

Introduction to Garb quick and easy medieval clothes for your first event.


Beginners Scribal

The Scribes of Northshield Facebook Page A place for the scribes of Northshield to come together to share our work with each other, and to ask for advice when needed.
Scribe 101 What does it take to start doing Calligraphy and Illumination
Scroll Layout A beginners guide to planning out your scroll.


Språng tutorials – Courtesy of Countess Saxa Amelia Africana

Språng Tutorial 1
Språng Tutorial 2
Språng Tutorial 3