The Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA, is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts, skills, and traditions of pre-17th-century societies and cultures.  The SCA is divided into geographically determined Kingdoms and our Barony is located in the Kingdom of Northshield.  Check our History page for more about the Barony’s SCA journey and the links below for more about the Society and the Kingdom.

Members of the SCA study and take part in a variety of activities, including combat, archery, equestrian activities, costuming, cooking, metalwork, woodworking, music, dance, calligraphy, fibre arts, and much more. If it was done in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, or even before, odds are you’ll find someone in the SCA interested in recreating it.

 Active participation in the learning process makes the SCA different from a Humanities 101 class! To learn about the clothing of the period, you research it, then sew and wear it yourself.  You learn about combat by putting on armour, which you may have built yourself, and practicing how to defeat your opponent.  Like to cook?  Do woodworking or metalworking?  Fibre arts?  Calligraphy and illumination? More? Welcome to the hobby with hobbies!  For more information on what we do, please visit our Resources page.

You will frequently hear SCA participants describe the SCA as recreating the various time periods, “as they ought to have been.” In some ways, this is true. We choose to use indoor plumbing, heated halls, and sewing machines. In the dead of winter, we have more to eat than King’s venison, salt pork and dried tubers.  A better description, however, is that we selectively recreate the culture, choosing the elements that interest and attract us.

For Local information, please explore our site, our Facebook Page or contact our Chatelaine 


Helpful Links To Get Started, with more on the Resources page:

SCA Main Website


 Kingdom of Northshield Website


Barony of Castel Rouge Facebook Page


Barony of Castel Rouge Google Group – Email List